uploads/rough stuff.jpg

rough stuff 〔美俚〕暴力行為;下流行為;色情文字。

rough wrought

Throughout the country today numerous articles are being written for publication in magazines and news - papers , and illustrations are being printed in the rotogravure sections of leading dailies of so - called “ rough stuff “ and underhand tactics 如今國內有無數這類文章發表在雜志和報紙上,各種所謂的“暴力行為”和秘密戰術圖解紛紛在各大日報影印欄出現。

Cut the rough stuff 停止粗魯的言行

Now boys . there will be pienty of time for the rough stuff iater 伙計們,稍后有足夠的時間讓你們練手

Rough stuff . - i ' m going to hurt you 專業打手。 -我可要打你了。

Come on , ray ! how much rough stuff 過來,雷!發生了多少暴力動作?

You guys have fun , all right ? no rough stuff 玩玩就好,別太粗野,好嗎?